“Those who spend their wealth (for the cause of Allah) by night and by day, in secret and in public, their reward is by their Lord (Allah) and there is no fear upon them and neither will they be sorrowful.”
“If you assist (the cause of) Allah, then He shall assist you and establish you firmly (in every respect).”
Zakaat, Sadqah or Lillah
Donate your Zakaat, Sadqah or Lillah
Sponsor a Student at JBT
The annual fees per student is 15,000 Indian rupees (this equates to £150.00 per student per year).
Running Costs of JBT
The annual running costs for JBT is currently 11,400,000 Indian Rupees ( this equates to approximately £120,000.00)
Garden Redevelopment Project
The JBT gardens are in need of redevelopment. This was to facilitate more spaces, suitable for recreational activities of students.