You can also donate via bank transfer by using the information below;
Account name: K.E.Y Charitable Trust
Sort Code: 30-00-83
Account Number: 01320501
For international transfers also use;
IBAN: GB91 ARAY 3000 8301 3205 01
Bank name and address:
Al Rayan Bank, 44 Hans Crescent, London, SW1X 0LZ
Please inform the charity within one working day by: Emailing informing us of:
If you require a postal receipt please provide your full postal address.
The project you wish the donation to go towards.
Your intention i.e. Zakat, Sadaqah, Lillah, etc.
The amount donated.
The reference you used i.e. your name, donor ID, postcode, etc.
Please state if you wish to Gift Aid your donation.